Any Other Coin Benefits?

So, as is typical with any activity that falls under hobby, as opposed to eg. household chores. I did find myself doing the “what are my justifications for this hobby?” styled thought processes. One such answer was the amount I was able to save, and show to other smokers. IE. I had become so used to simply including smoking in my cost of living & household budget, that even when I did look for ways & means of reducing said budget, smoking was getting priority over other miscellaneous activities I could have been doing.

I said I would try to take some better images of the Leonardo da Vinci Diversity set of coins, it appears I shall have to research & carry out some image filtering, or take them out of the glass frame, as the glass only seems to want to reflect. I put the Frame up on a wall & still reflections.

So what other reasons, did I utilise as justification for coin collecting. Well I had of course been doing the monitoring of the passage of time, and talking about realms rather a lot, so I thought well each coin is related to the point in time in which it is released, and also possibly linked to some ongoing activity or interest that I have. The human brain is oft said to be a goal seeking mechanism, and you are also suggested to get more of what you focus on.

Many a popular strategy amongst eg. The wellness community might be to saturate & surround yourself in positive, uplifting rewarding messages. Of course many people who have become influencers have taken to doing these things online in places such-as instagram, with a constant stream of photo’s of themselves living the best life.

So it did not matter what the coin was, it was a point in time, and perhaps the reason for owning a coin would become apparent in the fullness of time. I did first get a regular 50p of the Sherlock Holmes coin, Although many coins enter circulation, it is possible to never ever see them due to the numbers issued. We think 1 or 5 or 10 million coins released is a lot, though from the perspective of a population of 67 million people, each capable of having multiple coins in a wallet or purse, unless you are specifically looking for such things, most coin releases can go unnoticed in day to day life. The Sherlock coin features the names of all the Original Stories.

Another Sleuth coin? Well Agatha Christie was responsible for creating a number of famed Sleuth’s and story’s around their activities, whether Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple, or the West End play The Mousetrap. This coin featured images of a range of possible murder weapons. I actually found it quite interesting deciding how to craft the images, being something of a novice when it comes to photography.

I did of course venture out into collecting other coins, all with some justification, known only to myself at the time of purchase. This Greek Mythology coin came complete with a real maze game built into it. A game of the sort that I can remember having played with when much younger. The brain itself often said to be something of a maze mystery, that science is gradually learning to unravel.

Then of course their has been my encouragement toward participating in Sports, or indeed being within a Sporting fandom, whereby most Sporting Realms have their own Calendars. This coin a reminder to keep on eye on such things.

We are of course in a year where these Sports are coming to prominence with a Summer Olympics in Paris.

What is interesting is of course, how many coins utilise the usual alphanumerical symbols we grow up & learn from a young age, though also how many contain visual symbology, again something that is all around us, though potentially has less attention paid to it. We must of course have internal translation capabilities between formats, and our other sensory experience and interpretations capabilities, and as said in an earlier posting, many of our filters are potentially not working to their true capabilities.

Thank you for reading, God Bless and Be Well!

Coins & Stamps, The Final Frontier?

So, I watched a variety of science fiction film & TV, from a quite a young age, and was always interested in those particular genre & realms. I was as happy watching the United Kingdom’s Blakes 7 or Dr Who, as I was watching United States of America shows such-as Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica. I was initially, potentially too young to fully comprehend that droids such as those in Star Wars, or even earlier black & white shows such-as the Robot from Lost In Space, did not really exist. Another ancient show in the UK called “Tomorrow’s World” was often always highlighting attempts to answer the question “are we their yet?” with the very latest examples of where Technological progression was.

I basically grew up, having a strong & maintained interest in Technology & owning early personal Computers such-as a Sinclair Spectrum, Commodore Amiga, & also having collected a variety of Science Fiction & Fantasy type books that I continued to collect into adulthood, along with viewing or checking out whatever passed for the latest Sci-Fi being produced in film & TV, and other assorted realms.

So during one particular course that I was doing with Learnings Strategies in the latter 2010’s, I was sent some images to colour in, and I did just that, and found it was a therapeutic activity in and of itself. I being quite pleased with the results, pinned 3 of the images to my Twitter Page, with some wording as a reminder to myself on what my goals were.

The Top Right & The Lower 2 were the images pinned to my Twitter Page. I took to imagining That each Spyglass or Magnifying Glass on the top right image, was representative of a differing Realm, whether it was a person, a business, or however such things are described. The lower left reminded me to identify the money in communication, although I did consider that what looked like coins in front of the financial symbology, could also be eg. film reel containers. The Lower Right was simply a reminder of Sherlock Holmes styled sleuthing.

So after completely quitting smoking, I had started to save up a bit of money. I do not know whether I was inspired by that finance symbols coins image or otherwise, though at some point I found myself at the Post Office website, and happened to decide to follow a link to collectables that they were selling at that time, and I noticed that they had several collectables linked to stuff that I had been interested in for much of my life, such as Star Trek. I kind of had an ah-ha, maybe I could collect a few of these commemorative stamps & coins. So I made an order & awaited delivery.

On receipt of the delivery, and quite liking what I had received, I wondered on what other related sleuthing realms might I make some purchases for. They had a James Bond Stamp & Coin collection too, so I ordered one of those.

After a couple of purchases from the Post Office, I decided to widen my search to other related realms, starting at the UK Royal Mint. Then after discovering that their was a Sherlock Holmes coin, that had been released years earlier I found a third party seller that still had one in stock. I also noted that an Agatha Christie coin was being released, so ordered that too when it became available. Meanwhile of course, my new found research into coins led me to seeking out other coins elsewhere in the World, I Ordered a Scooby Doo coin, and a Superman coin. None of these things were done all at once, though I did get my Super Sleuth Picture, that kind of motivated me, to continue for a while with my new hobby.

So for a couple of years, I took up the hobby of coin collecting, and rather enjoyed it, along with publishing a variety of photo’s of my latest buy to twitter. I called the above image The Super Sleuth Collection, though most of the coins I have are from what I would call a cross-section of societal realms.

Whilst, I am not still regularly collecting coins. I do still return to the related websites to see what kind of stuff is currently being produced, and their is always that potential, just as with the The Leonardo da Vinci Diversity set. That I might decide to make a purchase.

Thank you for reading, God Bless and Be Well!

Leonardo da Vinci’s Gold

At some point in recent history, I began collecting coins, and for the most part I published images of new purchases & buys on Twitter, with a selection of photo’s of Mickey Mouse Sorcerer’s Apprentice, receiving gifts. I think, collecting some coins, was about overcoming some lifelong beliefs I held, either consciously of unconsciously about money, and also in more recent years, I had turned to promoting the idea of identifying the money in communication.

So I might have said What have you got their Mickey? followed by a selection of photo’s of the new coin. I quit smoking in 2020, and reallocated the money saved to perhaps buying a coin a month. The price of the coin’s was mostly far far less, than I had been spending on smoking, and I still had change to spare.

So as you can see, the coins are quite small and many were typical of the type that might enter into general circulation, whilst others were predominantly decorative or ornamental.

So I was recently browsing through the Powercoin (Italy) website, and noted they had some Leonardo da Vinci related coins. Each & every year, somewhere in the World, a Nation is bringing out a Leonardo da Vinci related coin. Anyway they are a type of coin that I have thought of getting on occasion, so it seemed an appropriate time to get one now, I also of course (in more recent years) having done many a Learning Strategies Corporation Paraliminal related Course, and a symbol version of The Vitruvian Man being an ever present on much of their Business output & merchandise.

So I selected a 3 coin set related to the works of Leonardo da Vinci, paid, and basically waited a number of weeks, for the official release date & delivery. I was really completely blown away when a guy arrived with a huge package, for what I thought were going to be one of the quite small packages I usually get. The coins were much much larger than I anticipated & imagined, they being contained within a moderate sized picture frame, that can be hung upon a wall.

So I am now the owner of a reproduction Mona Lisa, Vitruvian Man, and Salvator Mundi set of coins. I apologise for the quality of the images, I shall have to see if I can take some newer ones at a later time, that do not have all the lighting issues.

I may well now, spend further time, writing some articles on my thoughts in regard of Leonardo da Vinci , though for the time being am still processing the shock & surprise at the size of the package and contents their-in contained.

Thank you for reading, God Bless and Be Well!

The Tarot Collection

One of the strangest aspects of studying hypnosis related realms, was how they often led to an interest in Images and pictures and encouragement toward becoming more creative in your own output, perhaps taking up Art, in some shape or form, and indeed interpretation of the art that is already out their.

I basically thought ah-ha, easily accessible card packs that have many images that I could put out and simply describe, as best I could. Part of this blog’s history contains descriptions of a daily commute, and the reason for that was to get used to describing what I could actually see and so on on that route. Most of us, over the course of our lives, develop various shape and form of filters on our own sensory World, and how we communicate such things, a bit like that classic humour “look at that beautiful woodland” “I cant see, all those tree’s are in the way”.

So I did the typical thing of getting a regular Rider Waite styled Tarot deck of cards, and then decided that, well actually many of us have seen them so much in film & TV & perhaps friends or family had them, that it might be useful to try a few of the very many other card decks that are out their. So before I knew it, I had a mini-collection of Tarot Card Decks.

I should of course state, that each deck perhaps comes with its own official designated meanings, and you can typically also get some Tarot related books for guidance, although what you come to see quite quickly is that irrespective of the deck in usage, some kinds of generic frameworks have been created, whereby someone wanting to learn about Tarot, can do so relatively easily. I was (if I remember correctly), also studying about earlier age cults and various groups that were freemasons during the height of the cards occultist popularity in the 19th Century.

Whilst I enjoyed studying Tarot and their usage and History, much like the hypnosis stuff before it, I preferred to move on, as I did not (for whatever reason) believe, i was getting the kind of results, other people gave the impression they were achieving via hypnosis & such studies.

Having used Holosync for several years, I would simply say that I was correct, that I perhaps was not getting the desired results, others appeared to be getting, though that is perhaps down to my own individual personal history of injury, trauma and so on. Most folks are far ore unique than they might believe in the age of Objective Science, very often due to their own subjective life story and the events their-in contained.

Thank you for reading God Bless and Be Well!

The Singing Hobby

Singing & I have a somewhat strange relationship, in the sense that I grew up around musical families, many of whom within their own heads & to be fair, the minds of their audiences, had standards to be maintained on what might be regarded as good quality & poor quality singing. The circles of peoples involved typically had many people & personalities who rehearsed and practiced their singing, along with a variety of instruments, very much above & beyond, what the average man, woman or child in the street might do.

I am also of a generation that sang morning hymns at their Primary school, and whilst I cannot recall such things in Secondary School, I did during those years also along with the rest of my immediate family attend a Church , where Singing Hymns and Gospel type songs, was part & parcel of the weekly service rituals. This kind of scenario, is perhaps best described as “living in the shadow of…”. Although it did not stop me from doing “The Band” thing, during my younger years. Leaving me with a selection of professionally taken photo’s from an earlier time of life.

So anyway as I recently wrote, I had a Flat that I was renting & living in & little social life, during the late 2000’s, and I can recall watching Television Talent shows such-as American Idol (US) and Pop Idol (UK), so one of the things I thought would be quite fun, to overcome a lifetime worth of “living in the shadow of…”. Was to see if I could actually practice, develop and improve my own singing voice.

Whilst you might think I would (& could of) gone & gotten help from any number of people I knew to be regular singers etc. I actually chose to do such things in private, away from all the competitiveness & expertise, that growing up around such peoples (Singers, Musicians, Bands), and environment’s (Rehearsal Rooms, Gigs, Recording Studio’s) that are part & parcel of those respective life realms.

To assist myself in that activity I looked around for some off-the-shelf styled courses related to that activity of singing. I basically purchased a couple of books, one with Music CD’s, and also an American Idol “Learn To Sing” product from the USA.

So, I cannot locate an image of the American Idol Singing course at present, though am sure I had an image historically, perhaps I will take a new one, and add it at an appropriate time.

The main course I actually preferred and practiced with regularly was (I think) the Singing for The Stars, although I do know I lent one of the Learn To Sing book or CD courses to someone who never returned it.

Anyway I practiced and practiced, as part of a regular routine, over a few weeks, and my singing improved, my breathing improved, you could say that the exercises, improved all aspects of singing voice & output in terms of building up, an assortment of throat & mouth muscles and the delivery of sound, without getting all technical.

Eventually I got to a point where I believed I could hold my own, with many an average singer seen on many of those Talent shows, and was quite pleased with myself, in a sense that I no longer cared about the “living in the shadow..” aspect, as I had demonstrated to myself that with a little dedication and a regular practice routine, I could confidently hold a tune, irrespective of experts. Some studio images from around that time period, after having regularly practiced a few months.

Now of course, several years later, having given up that regular ritual and practice routine, you might say I have once again reverted to a poor quality singing voice delivered with something of a care free enthusiasm. Maybe I shall leave the singing To Mickey.

Thank you for reading, God Bless and Be Well!

I Have Had Some Strange Studies & Hobby’s

So, from around the mid-2000’s, my life was beginning to settle down. I was in employment. My divorce & child custody battle had finished with my ex-wife & I, agreeing to a shared custody of my daughter. I had saved up enough money in employment, to get a local flat of my own.

What could I do with my spare time? Well working nights, can take some getting used too. The usual rules of a calendar day, do not necessarily really apply, and it is not something easily explainable to folks who have never worked for prolonged periods of time, within such a timetable. Its the sort of job where you can explain differences, people nod as though understanding, and then go on to completely disregard all that you have said.

Anyway, although working, my social life was all but non-existent, I had (for example) joined a five-aside football team of work colleagues, it had been many years since I had played football, and I was terrible, though it was a social activity, and like all things you can improve the more you do it. A colleague had also at one point set up a Fantasy Football League amongst an assortment of colleagues from many departments. Again it was a kind of activity that can be listed as a hobby, regularly buying & selling players and managing your team as though a real life football manager. Your Fantasy League Results always dependent on how well any selected set of players were doing in the real life Premier league.

Not wanting to give the wrong impression, though relocating, getting divorced, finding employment, working nights, struggling with finances, all can have an impact on someone’s mental health, and although I thought I had coped as well as might have been expected, I did embark on wanting to find ways and means of better understanding or dealing with all these things. To that end, and I cannot recall the exact timeline involved (perhaps 2006/7), one of the activities I took up was the study of Hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming & Trance States.

It might be suggested that I, having quite intensively studied Engineering, Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, and an assortment of programming languages, coding systems etc. at University level, was quite well placed to understand these things, and my brain was not getting the kind of stimulus in my working life, that I had previously been used too.

I think Paul McKenna shares my birthday, hence my potentially being more susceptible to the trusting of his output & my contributing to making him rich. I think he himself was a student of Paul R Scheele of Learning Strategies, (whom I only became aware of at a later time, after taking up Holosync), who himself in turn was a student of Richard Bandler.

Anyway, overall, it was perhaps these studies that led to my taking up of Holosync in 2010.

I would not say my study of hypnosis, NLP & trance states was a failure, so much as a stepping stone in realising that I am perhaps someone (individually) who was in requirement of something a little more powerful, and Meditation, practices & raising my Threshold, seemed like a natural progression hence my heading into those Realms in 2010.

Thank You For Reading, God Bless and Be Well!

University Book’s

Dear David

You say you attended The University Of Wales, Aberystwyth, between 1999 and 2003, studying Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, though have not provided any genuine evidence to that effect, & you are known to have not worked within any related field in the intervening years, so what do you say to that!



So, whilst the circumstances of my life, have not gone as I might have wanted & planned, at an earlier age, I did on leaving University, keep my University related collection of Books, in some rather large cardboard boxes, that have spent much of the last 20 years, in various shape & form of storage.

At some point in recent years, I was given a Photo Album as a present, to organise, very many photo images, that I had typically kept in those little photo packet’s, you used to get, when having a film developed. With such activities in my mind, I also went out and bought extra photo albums, concerned that 1 album might not be enough for someone of my age, who had never gotten into a routine of putting pictures within an album.

At some point, whilst locating assorted images that had been stored in an attic, I happened upon the University Book boxes, and thought well, these are perhaps part of your life history, so you should take some photo’s, and perhaps publish them, so folks can get an idea, of how much study was involved, and possibly how much things have or have not changed in the intervening years, I have no idea how big or small modern course book lists are, in fact in taking the photo’s, I became convinced that I may have mislaid a box or 2 of said books.

So here are some images, of books, that I (for what ever reason) had purchased during the course of my studies, during those 1999 to 2003 years, Some Computer related books, were not specific to the course modules I was taking, though simply part & parcel of keeping an eye on where all things Computer Related Realms were headed, and seeking to ensure, I was still concurrent with my own Computer related interests outside of the so-called Ivory Towered World of University.

I would love to put them in some kind of appropriate order, though am unsure, that is now possible, given the many years since, I was in University. It should be noted, that whilst books were often recommended, their was a very full modular based course structure curriculum, where much information, lessons and learnings, was only gained within the lectures, & with hands on experience. Many a class also involved continuous practical usage & ongoing homework. Where other subjects might have boasted they had a couple of lectures a week, with lots of designated Library Time, I had a Full Daily Calendar Schedule & was kept busy pretty much every day of the week, for much of the entirety of my studies.

As suggested above, I think I have mislaid books, and obviously you can see that I could potentially re-order them into appropriate categories. I may well come back and do that at a future time, though for now it is fine.

Many of these books are potentially still relevant, whilst others would have probably disappeared in the march of time. The Technology Realm’s related studies really are fast moving, though what University courses, perhaps give people, that cannot be gained from home self-study, are invaluable, in my honest opinion.

Thank you for reading, God Bless and Be Well.

The Who Realm

So even prior to my taking up Meditation & Doing an assortment of courses, the idea of that word “Who” held some sort of fascination. Many of us perhaps attended schooling education, where we were encouraged to ask Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? I basically went through a phase of taking some Who related photo’s & publishing them to Twitter.

For those unaware, their is a long running Sci-Fi TV show within the United Kingdom, Called “Dr Who”. That is typical of a show that many might regard as something that exists within the background of their lives, this is a show, that has been broadcast for 60 years, from an earlier time of Black & White TV, where perhaps only a couple of TV Station Channels existed, ensuring quite large audiences for whatever was broadcast, simply through lack of choices for the audience. The TV show performs a trick whereby when it comes time for an actor to depart, they do what is called a regeneration, and the character becomes a new actor or more recent times actress. The basic principle is that many folks can identify who the actor, or version of the Dr Character, or even a villain character was during various stages of their own lives.

So I published 2 images of My daughter at various ages, standing next to To Blue Doored TARDIS (time machine). It appears that she was the same height in each, although the Truth is, that the size & height of the TARDIS had been changed between generational shows, & they being differing versions, of the same Prop. Even my Mothers Cookie Jar was based on a differing Design of Tardis to the other 2 shown – see the St Johns Ambulance symbol on the Doorway.

Now Daleks (Villains) have also gone through multiple design changes, to suit a story.

So when the idea of COVID masks occurred, I thought it would be fun to have some with Designs on them, I ordered them quite early on from Teepublic (A US based Company), and waited over a month for Delivery, by which time, many UK companies had started catching up & manufacturing a variety of designer masks, though I still think those I ordered were UNIQUE. Here are a couple related to Dr Who. Superman Changing in a TARDIS & The TARDIS flying through a Vincent Van Gogh Painting.

So The Production Company that makes Dr Who, also made a modern day version of Sherlock Holmes, and again I managed to gain a somewhat Unique Designer T-Shirt combining ideas of Dr Who & Sherlock. The TARDIS featuring a Door with Famous 221B address.

So that is Dr Who, elsewhere within the Realm of Rock Music, a band named “The Who” became quite famous in the 1960s, and particular songs within their music catalogue have been seen, heard & played & covered ever since. An example of such a cover is the Theme Tune to TV Show CSI (Crime Scene Investigations), Who Are You? I happened to like & enjoy watching that show when it was broadcast in the UK. The Who had a commemorative Coin Released Celebrating there contribution to British Music. I also at some point took Stuffed Toy Mickey into my Fathers Music Studio for some Snaps.

So Who else? Well I studied Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence at The University of Wales, Aberystwyth (1999-2003), and during the course of my studies, it was interesting to learn that the writer of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll) had actually been a mathematician, and much of what is today known as symbolic logic, originated in the work that he had carried out in the 1800’s. At one point in the Alice Stories, A Caterpillar said to Alice “Who Are You!”

So whilst COVID was sweeping the World, in 2020-2022, I continued to work, spend time with my mother under lockdown conditions, both of us having the 2 vaccinations, & we also enjoyed visits from my visiting daughter (when allowed & appropriate), whilst shielding my pensioner mother. I also completely quit smoking during those years, and as is hinted at, by several of these images, I began something of a small commemorative coin collection.

So I have personal opinions that go against the societal grain, in terms of ideas of copyright. Thinking far too many people from e.g. earlier generations, and in some contexts all generations, have been allowed to claim ownership of things such-as words and music and so on, that no-one ought to be allowed to own.

Having said that, it is interesting, that in taking up The Holosync Solution Meditation, and doing courses from Learnings Strategies, that I typically noticed that they use the who? what? where? when? why? how? questions, from an alternative mindset to how I seemed to recall having learnt & been taught them in the UK. Perhaps with no distracting Dr Who TV show, or The Who rock band, they are able to focus more on the logic and imagination without being mentally side-lined.

So those are just a few things, I published elsewhere on Twitter, that I could have published here, had I (at that time) been of a mind to do so.

I also somewhat humorously (within my own mind), utilised An image of Baby Herman from “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, as an Avatar, whilst publishing on former Twitter account (@TheAngelAtHeist) & in Below The Line comments at Guardian Media Online, I thought it might improve & encourage better, Feedback & Return (systems of communication), amongst the various societal demographics putting in appearances within those Realms.

It should also of course, not be forgotten that I grew up in a city in the United Kingdom, called Hereford, that has since the 1960’s been associated with the 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, Whose Motto was long cited as being “WHO DARES WINS” & whilst I met some characters from said Regiment, during my younger years, in civilian life, growing up in such a City. along with being gifted some books as presents at various times. To the best of my knowledge & awareness, I have not & would not, claim to have any Modern Day connections, with the 22nd SAS Regiment, beyond having purchased some book during the course of my Learning Strategies “Photoreading” course exercises.

Moving On.

Thank you for reading, God Bless & Be Well!

Why Give It Up?

Okay, so I have in recent times, decided to close an assortment of unused social media accounts, and one of the issues has been that their I was, publishing on Twitter, or commenting at Guardian online, whilst neglecting this backwater blog, that I had put so much effort into during earlier years. Perhaps I believed on some level, that I had something to prove, and wanted to demonstrate I could survive & thrive within Social Media or Mainstream Media Realms.

I think if those things can be regarded as experiments, then they were fine, I was for the most part happy publishing to Twitter & commenting BTL at Guardian Media, though I then began to think, well here you are believing yourself to be helping out at The Guardian, & also publishing regularly to Twitter your newly created coin collection, or Cinema Visit, or Christmas Lights etc. They are all things you could theoretically at least be sharing from your own Blogging Realm, all in one place (so to speak). Here on a backwater blog. Yes it can be fun to interact & engage with others, though it is not earning you an income, or gaining any kind of plaudits or celebrity / notoriety etc.

All of it is of course DATA, and all those realms, are constantly seeking to monetise the userbase, whilst I am more interested in being able to say, look I turned my life around using this Holosync Meditation, or Learning Strategy’s course. Maybe they can help you too!

So then of course, what happens to all that stuff, all those images, or postings published within those realms? We perhaps all like to believe that their is a Library at the end of time & space, where all your assortment of output’s contribute to some Future Civilisation’s interpretation of the life you lived.

Anyway, I filled up a couple of smartphones with repetitions of photo’s, and have many more saved to personal computer, & online accounts, so I simply thought, it would be far easier to not have to manage them all separately, yes I know many people, automate publishing to a variety of Media’s, though I have to be honest in my stating that I do not believe anything found amongst my writings and publishing is going to be of great importance, beyond what they may or may not mean to me, as a subjective individual, or possibly family members wanting reminder of a shared experience or event.

So, keeping in mind I published many images to Twitter that went unpublished here, I thought I would publish a few articles (be it over days, weeks, months), featuring some of those images, and attempts at explanation of the respective thinking behind them, and I do of course apologise in advance, if I do include images or communications that I have communicated previously, I was writing and publishing all manner of things that it may have been more appropriate for myself to not publish publicly, or make more effort to appropriately Diary or Journal.

So i am now going to start writing a new article, perhaps featuring a few more images published elsewhere, that I could just have easily put in an article on this Blog.

Thank you for reading, God Bless & Be Well!

The Whoniverse

“The Whoniverse” is a recently assigned title given by The BBC to its BBC Iplayer back catalogue of TV shows & assortment of spin-off shows, related to the entertainment show called Dr Who. A Sci-Fi Adventure TV show character who, along with an assortment of companions, traverses all known & unknown realms of Time & Space, in a Time Machine Called A Tardis, having many an adventure as they go. The Show having recently celebrated its 60th Anniversary. Since the show began, related output started appearing in a variety of other medium realms, such-as books, annuals, film, cartoon, toys & souvenirs, audio books, Video Games, clothes etc. etc. etc.

My mother was a fan of the Original show back in the 1960’s.

My Mothers Dr Who “TARDIS”* Cookie Jar, with Sorcerers Apprentice Mickey Mouse wearing “Dr Who Superman”, Covid Mask (2021). *TARDIS – an acronym said to mean “Time & Relative Dimensions In Space”.

I watched the show during the 1970’s & 1980’s. My daughter became a fan of the more modern era show from the mid-2000’s.

My mother visited a Dr Who Exhibition in Herefordshire, with my daughter, Rose during those mid-2000’s reboot years.

Whilst I took her along to The Dr Who Exhibition in Cardiff, a short few years later. That’s me with my eyes closed. These are a small selection of images from a rather large collection.

So it was recently announced during the last couple of years (2022), that the very newest output of the show “Dr Who” were going International via the Disney Plus streaming Service. The Show did historically have some International viewers in places such-as Australia, though always seemingly until now, seemed a very British Affair, whilst Disney can broadcast in very many more Countries.

Many are perhaps wondering, are Doctor Who & Disney a Good Fit? Well as someone who used Disney’s-“The Sorcerers Apprentice” Image as his former Facebook & Instagram Account Avatar, and A Mickey Mouse Sorcerers Apprentice stuffed Toy on his former Twitter Account, I am potentially the wrong person to ask.

Although I will of course say Yes, they are actually a perfect match when-or if you consider that each and every Dr Who might be considered a Sorcerer, and each and every companion a Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Notice I also snuck in Dr Strange’s Eye Of Agamotto in one image.

Dr Who for any number of people, can be considered as a favoured Sci-Fi “realm” that has been part & parcel of the background, to very many peoples lives, and in many ways when you deliberately look for such combinations in Society, you realise they are all around you; Parent & Child, School Teacher & Pupil, Job Trainer & Trainee, one generation always passing on an assortment of lessons & learnings to the next.

Many of my Dr Who Sorcerers Apprentice Related Images were taken prior to Official Announcement’s. I was as surprised as everyone else.

Thank you for reading, God Bless and Be Well!